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Finding the motivation to keep up with your finances after a major set back or an unexpected expense can be difficult, but you can get back on track. Money Motivation is a new series where we will be featuring inspiring and uplifting advice from Finance Collective members that can help you take a step back and reevaluate your financial situation, so you can make a plan for how best to move forward. This week's advice comes from Marriage, Kids and Money and is about recognizing times when things go right:


"If saving money and creating an emergency fund is your goal, make sure to celebrate that milestone moment when you hit your goal number.If you've made your last student loan payment, go crazy and have a flippin' party! This is a big deal! Celebrate your victory!

It can be very motivating to put a reward out there for yourself when you achieve your personal finance dreams. Nicole and I bought a nice bottle of champagne and put it in the refrigerator to drink on the day we both owned our cars outright with no loans or leases. When we had enough money to make that situation a reality, those bubbles tasted that much sweeter.

And financial victory can also be very addicting. Once you hit one goal, you feel empowered to do a lot more than you ever thought possible." -Marriage, Kids and Money